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tom and mike’s room
汤姆和迈克合住的房间  detail>>
be on the mike
偷懒, 呆儿郎当  detail>>
 n.  迈克〔男子名, Michael 的昵称〕。  vi. , n.  〔俚语〕偷懒,鬼混,怠工。 on ...  detail>>
on mike
靠近话筒  detail>>
 n.  汤姆〔男子名,Thomas 的昵称〕。  n.  1.〔T-〕 Thomas 的爱称;大钟。 2.雄性动物;(...  detail>>
tom it
逆来顺受  detail>>
tom tom
敲响长鼓  detail>>
large tom-tom
爵士乐手鼓  detail>>
tom-tom drum
二个以上嗵嗵鼓  detail>>
tom-tom scouring machine
锤式精练机  detail>>
tom-tom washer
锤式洗涤机  detail>>
ben and mike
哥儿俩好  detail>>
body mike
〔美俚〕贴身步话机。   detail>>
boom mike
吊挂式话筒  detail>>
builtin mike
机内话筒  detail>>
by mike musgrove
译/尹鹏  detail>>
call mike
打电话  detail>>
capacitance mike
电容话筒  detail>>